SOP Sample for PhD in Developmental Biology

“Anything found to be true of E. Colimust also be true of elephants.”

– Jacques Monod, pioneer molecular biologist.

This statement is sort of an impetus for me that implies the complexity and disparity seen in various organisms due to which they are divided into different taxonomical classifications. Yet the organisms who aren’t related in any form still share a lot of eccentric similarities between them; deeper insight into which I feel might give us the solution and treatment for various diseases.

Since school times, reading news about fatal diseases and the death toll caused by them gave me goosebumps and made me curious about the human body, it’s precise functioning, the slow yet steady developmental mechanisms which are highly regulated yet at times go amiss leading to different disease conditions. I had also joined a Science club in my school which used to organize tonnes of events viz. quizzes, discussions and forums to add fuel to the fire of science ignited in me and increase my knowledge base.

I secured 87% in High school, which made me eligible for a scholarship viz. Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research under Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) by the Government of Japan, Tokyo.

I was selected from my first year’s Bachelors’s class for a Biology research training camp, National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS) at PQRS Institute, Japan. Dr. Ping Li introduced me to the culturing of Drosophila sp. how a medium like banana agar can be formulated which acts as a cheaper and more easily available source of nutrition for Drosophila sp. I learned how to make a cytological preparation of it from Chironomus larvae under the guidance of Dr. Zen Sharma. The presence of multiple copies of a particular gene in polygene chromosome increases the level of gene expression which helps Drosophila sp secrete so much of glue before pupation and also it facilitates in identifying structural changes in chromosomes, it exposed to me as to how every aspect of nature leaves me ecstatic, which is well thought through and meticulously designed for the benefit of the living beings own existence. Dr. Owen D’cruz introduced me to the beautiful creature Chlamydomonasreinhardtii; a few experiments were conducted on its photosensory behavior.

I also worked in a group project on the screening of Lipase producers as lipase is the most commercially important enzyme. We used a lab on paper technology for a small, cheap and easily available means of screening lipase producers. A poster was also presented in U.G.C (University Grants Commission) sponsored research scholars’ meet and we got the second-best group project presentation award in JBMW College, Tokyo, Japan. I had visited Dr. Alex Hon’s lab in Dubai which made me curious to know more about her work on the significance of the Lhx2 gene-regulating different functions in the development of the brain, progression of the optic morphogenesis enthralled me as to how many challenges an embryo has to go through to develop every part of the body by following every instruction given to it with meticulous care developing from a simple sheet of cells to precisely functioning living being.

For my dissertation, I worked on a project entitled Genetic hetero-specific transformation of ampicillin sensitive E. coli by ampicillin-resistant Bacillus coagulans and its beta-lactamase activity. For the identification and characterization of the bacteria Bacillus coagulans, it was sequenced and the partial sequence of 16S rDNA of Bacillus coagulans was also submitted and released in the online database site for molecular biology information- National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

A combined abstract poster was also presented on “Identification of Bacillus sp. from algae culture system and its effect on the growth of Desmodesmusultrasquamatus, at the 3rd International Plant Physiology Congress, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. I worked as a project intern in Dr.  Smith’s Anniston’s lab, Experimental Cancer Therapeutics and Chemical Biology Lab, Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, under the University of Tokyo

Currently, I am working in a Neuron-oncology lab under Dr. Max Swift, Scientific officer H and an Associate Professor in Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer (ACTREC) which is a renowned cancer Institute in Japan. I am working on Medulloblastoma, a pediatric brain tumor and the project I am also focussing on deciphering the functional role of the genetic alterations in medulloblastoma which was done by knocking out or knocking down the wild type gene of interest with the help of CRISPR or shRNA. As the gene of interest on which I worked on is the second-highest mutated gene, its role in medulloblastoma is being elucidated as to whether it acts as a tumor suppressor gene or an oncogene through different functional assays and high throughput experiments. Weekly journal club and lab meet introduced to me the variety of research going on in our lab.

I also learned about cancer of the buccal mucosa, in which the marker aberrantly expressed in the epithelial cells associated with the keratin proteins was responsible for the malignant transformation of epithelial cells. The differential expression of these keratin proteins was analyzed to know their effect on cell proliferation and regression of the tumor cells. Exposure to varied topics helped me to get a holistic view of all the factors involved in the disease progression of different types of cancers as well as the different approaches used in combating it. It revealed to me the notoriety of cancer as to how one error in the interaction of different family of proteins or the genes present in developmental pathways and many other factors have a cumulative effect culminating into it. The whole experience made my decision of taking up a Ph.D. even stronger.

My Aspirations:

With my past academic & research experience, I have a great enthusiasm to undertake graduate studies in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the LMNO University since it best suits my research interests. I am deeply interested in pursuing my Ph.D. research in the field of Developmental Biology.

On much deliberation and research, I have realized that the university of LMNO can provide me with the opportunities to perform cutting edge research and this research work combined with my industry exposure will groom me into a top-notch Researcher. I am especially intrigued by Prof. Ellen William’s area of expertise as it dovetails with mine. I am certain that in the intellectually invigorating milieu that is present at the venerated LMNO University, I will be able to excel, achieve my goals and contribute back to the society at large.